Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Diet 2 Days a Week is More Effective

Go on a diet for two days a week is a much more effective way to lose weight instead of eating less each day.The researchers found that women who cut carbs and eat fruits, vegetables and lean meat for two days a week lost almost twice as much weight as those who are dieting constantly.

Researchers Hospital of South Manchester University who studied 115 women volunteers in a diet. The first group took 650 calories a day for two days per week and avoid carbohydrates like pasta, bread, potatoes and all fatty foods.

During the five days they ate the menu they loved even if they are encouraged to eat healthy foods. Another group has a diet of 1500 calories per day and avoid foods high in fat and alcohol.

After three months women in the first group lost 4 kilos of weight, almost twice as much as women under a full-time, who only managed to lose 2.4 kg!

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